Dear clients and friends,
Please find attached the invitation to our upcoming “Wutherich & Co.’s Annual Update” virtual event taking place Wednesday January 26, 2022.
Chers clients et amis,
Vous trouverez ci-joint l’invitation à notre prochain évènement virtuel “Mise à Jour Annuelle Wutherich & Co.” qui aura lieu le mercredi 26 janvier 2022.

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was down 1.4% in October. This compares with the S&P/TSX being down 1.6%. Most of our companies have reported their recent quarters and results have, for the most part, been exceptional. Many of the companies that we invest in are what I would call permanent businesses. While all businesses […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 2.6% in October. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 5.0%. Our companies have started to report again for their most recent quarters. One standout so far has been 1-800 Flowers.com (FLWS-Q). This company operates an e-commerce platform that provides flowers, gift baskets, gourmet foods, seasonal […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was down 1.1% in September. This compares with the S&P/TSX being down 2.2%. September lived up to its reputation as the worst month for performance in the stock market. There is no lack of things to worry about and investors sold stocks and put their money…where exactly? Well […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 3.5% in August. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 1.6%. Most of our companies have reported results for their recent quarters and, by and large, the numbers have been excellent. The market, however, is grudging in rewarding these results. Regardless, they support the valuations of […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was flat at 0.0% in July. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 0.8%. There is no lack of things to worry about in the world: Inflation, the climate emergency, Covid, geo-politics and stock valuations are all reasons for great concern. At times like this, we always remind […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 3.4% in June. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 2.5%. Already half a year gone! It seems like this every year where we emerge from the dark of winter, looking, achingly, to the longest days, and suddenly, they are upon us and quickly pass. Too […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 0.1% in May. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 3.4%. The portfolio came off the boil a little in May. While most of our names reported exceptional numbers for their most recent quarters, a few sold off on this as their good numbers were mostly anticipated. […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 5.1% in April. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 2.4%. Performance of the Wutherich & Co. Portfolio has been exceptional over the last year, helped along by strong markets. Given how high valuations are across the board, we are surprised that we can still find […]

Monthly Message The Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 2.0% in March. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 3.9%. This month, we lapped the pandemic driven low of March 23, 2020. From that date, the Wutherich & Co. Portfolio is up approximately 185%. (Note that we miscalculated the number reported in the February Newsletter, […]
Comments and InterviewsYou may also enjoy Wil Wutherich’s various comments and interviews on the financial markets or press release on Wutherich & Company in these articles :
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