Monthly Message
The Wutherich & Co. Composite was down 1.1% in December. This compares with the S&P/TSX being up 3.1%.
Happy New Year! December marked a quiet end to an exceptional year. At 34.3%, 2021 was the second highest annual return that we have had for the Wutherich & Co. Composite. A pandemic-free 2004 marked the highest year at 38%. When we look at the portfolio today, we see the potential for very good long-term price appreciation with a 2% dividend yield as icing on the cake. While none of our names are the famous or sexy companies that you read about in the newspaper every day, all of them are growing at rapid rates and most of them are trading at reasonable multiples.
This has been our sweet spot for decades. Yes, decades, as I have been doing this for almost 30 years!. Most are what I would call permanent companies with robust business models that should persist for many years to come, pandemic or not.
We like to remind people that virtually all our invested net worth is in the Wutherich & Co. Portfolio. JF and I have already made our TFSA and RRSP contributions for 2022. Clearly, we put our money where our mouths are. We strongly recommend that you make your RRSP contributions as early as possible in the New Year to get it working for you as soon as possible, be it with us or one of your other trusted advisors.
Lastly, we would like to remind you to join us for our Wutherich & Co. Annual Update, to be held, virtually, on January 26, 2022. Please let us know if you would like the link to attend the meeting.
To view the complete Monthly Message and Factsheet click here
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